First production meeting.
Saturday morning saw our first all-hands production meeting for the pilot episode, Robot. Oh, did we not mention the subject of our first episode? No? Well, there you have it, it's Robot.
Why have we chosen this particular word? Well, we just happen to like it. A lot. And it's got a splendid history. A funny history. A dark and brooding history. All kinds of history, really.
More about that word later. Or, watch the episode when it comes out.
So, Saturday morning found us all huddling together on the third floor of a rather lovely building on Elm Street in Camden, Maine. Everyone was finally able to put names with faces, or faces with names, or whichever they didn't have with whichever they had. And there was much discussion of the upcoming shoot, which is now less than two weeks away.
What I always find fascinating at these meetings is the sheer number of decisions that seem to be made in rather quick succession about things that had, up until this point, seemed either frighteningly monumentally important, or completely pedestrian. Decisions were flying about like a multitude of wee flapping, flying things, or an exaltation of larks, whichever seems more impressively consequential. I believe that something magical happens when a gaggle creative humans are purposefully placed in physical proximity to one another and given a nicely shaped list of things to discuss. There is a possibility field that emanates from the collective mind-space of all these creative humans and one-by-one, items on the list are set free to roam about the creative human landscape and find a home. Or perhaps the metaphor is better if they are set free. Either way, these items move from potential to actuality and the sheer dauntingness of their existence dissipates and leaves behind a nicely checked-off list of items.
Strangely, once an item is checked off said list, it is almost immediately replaced with yet another item, or even multiple items. This gives rise to the thought that, perhaps, there is a law of conservation of tasks. That the moment one is made post-task-like another swoops in (lark-like) and takes its place. But it still feels quite good to check the buggers off the list. And it's magical to watch all these creative humans be creative.
Oh, and we got to see the model of our R.U.R. set. That was exciting! John Bielenberg, the senior, (as opposed to his son, the junior) designed the set and built the model and it's wonderfully post-modern and concrete-like. This is what happens when one lets a creative person do their creative thing without a lot of mucking about with telling them precisely what to do. Sometimes you get magic. And this was one of those times.
Next we need to find the perfect warewolf costume.