Isaac Asimov danced for me today
It's true. I watched Isaac Asimov dance today. And then I pressed rewind and watched it again. Okay, it wasn't an actual rewind button (which is really too bad - Vimeo should hop on creating 1981-era VCR play/stop/fwd/rwd buttons. Seriously). And it wasn't the actual Isaac Asimov. But it was still genuinely splendid.
In fact, today we saw some of the first animation for the pilot episode of 26 Words - the fabled Robot episode. No, we're not certain as to why its fabled at this point considering it hasn't been filmed yet, but the monicker seems to fit well, so we're sticking with it. And that animation was, in fact, of Mr. Isaac Asimov dancing. With a robot. I wish we could share it with you right now - but you'll have to wait.
It was an otherwise fairly uneventful day in 26 Words pre-production land. A massive snow storm in New England, the location of our studio, has left us all hunkered down at home. And, oddly enough, wondering if we'll have another beastly visitation upon our return to the studio tomorrow morning.
Asimov's dancing animated form calls. And we must answer.